Dear our ICT readers,
The world economy is changing from industrial economy to digital economy. The same thing happens for financial movement, from cash society to less cash society. Financial technology going digital is becoming familiar, and eventually everything is a click or a tap away. Financial technology aka fintech will be our Main Report for ICT Magazine No. 54-2017. We will review fintech development potential and challenge, in this bilingual (Indonesian & English) ICT Magazine.
In addition to fintech, we will also take a look at government’s plan to auction off frequency 2.1 GHz and 2.3 GHz, as well as the interested parties and stakeholders’ hopes on this auction that will give significant contribution for the country. Although, on the other hand, this auction, particularly frequency 2.3 GHz gets stumbled following lawsuit from one of telecommunication operators granted by Central Jakarta District Court.
From broadcasting, we will analyze the fifth International Conference and Annual Meeting OIC Broadcasting Regulation Authorities Forum (IBRAF) that produced Bandung Declaration about Media Role in Promoting Tolerance and Fighting Terrorism and Islamophobia. All the while, the birth of Blackberry Aurora deserves our attention as this cell phone is launched by local company PT BB Merah Putih that gets license from Blackberry. You can check it out in our Gadget Review.
In our e-business article, you can read about Spire Research and Consulting report, a research and global business consultant company, based in Singapore who is collaborating with the leading research and technology business media company, TechnoBusiness Indonesia, in mapping five solid reasons for e-commerce global companies to enter Indonesian market. It is an interesting topic considering Indonesia has been a target for global e-commerce and venture capital companies for the last decade.
Dear readers, we present all this information to update you on the latest news in business, regulation and technology information and communication in Indonesia. We always welcome your feedback, inquiries and proposal for cooperation through email: redaksi@ or by clicking our Editor navigation form at
To read/down Majalah ICT English edition No.54-2017, please click here or copy paste this link to your browser.
Happy reading and let’s wish Indonesia’s ICT be more glorious.